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Quality control by electron microscopyIntroduction
The EM quality control service by negative staining can:
KeywordsElectron microscopy, negative staining, homogeneity Dedicated staff
EquipmentTecnai12 120 kV LaB6 with an Orius 1000 GATAN camera
AccessibilityThe platform is accessible to members of the PSB, academia, and industry. How do I apply?By writing to: ibs-plateforme-em.contact ibs.fr Sample requirementsThe minimum size of molecules that can be observed is 100 kDa. Detergent and glycerol are best avoided in the buffer. ProcedureAfter preparation of the grid by negative staining (mica flotation technique or stain-on-grid technique), five different areas on the grid are inspected. A minimum of 10 images of the sample are taken at magnification varying from 10000x to 60000x depending on the sample (except for special cases). ResultsAfter the microscope session, a report containing the most representative images of the sample together with comments approved by the team manager is sent (via ftp CEA or the IBS intranet) within three weeks after the receipt of the samples (except in the case of instrument breakdown). The rest of the images are available upon request. Data storageThe data are stored for 3 years. Costssee Prices AcknowledgmentIf you use these results (from the service platform or collaboration) please add:
1CEA, Institut de Biologie Structurale Jean-Pierre Ebel, UMR5075 Grenoble France. LocationIBS, ground floor, electron microscopy and methods group. QualityThe platform is certified ISO9001-NFX 50-900 |